Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Do you remember when you read Classic Illustrated comics? I'm not sure comics is the correct word but they were in that format. I got hooked on them when I was about 11 years old and living in Baghdad, Iraq. My dad was working with their educational system as part of the Point IV Program, which was part of the Marshall Plan. I was home schooled and then was enrolled in a in a French class at a Catholic school. It was mid-year and I was completely lost. The wonderful part of this school was that they had a library and I borrowed oh so many books. I also found a book store that sold Classic Illustrated. I spent my allowance on these publications. I remember reading the list on the back cover and checking off the next ones I'd buy. I read them over and over still have them.

Isn't it great that today we have audio books? I have gotten hooked on them this past year. I bought some from a discount book store and borrowed others from the library. They come in both CD and cassette form and I have machines with ear plugs for both. In Florida, I discovered I could download audio books from the local library onto my computer and listen to them on my speakers while I sewed. All this was done via my computer and was free with my library card.

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